Risk Analysis

Resolving a problem properly requires to formulate it clearly

Risk Analysis

LITOCLEAN team, after characterising a subsoil, has accurate knowledge of the presence of compounds, their concentrations and their spatial distribution, enabling it to conduct an exhaustive risk analysis. 

A quantitative risk assessment (QRA) analyses the information collected during the investigation phase to answer the following key questions: 

Do they entail a health risk?

To what extent do they harm the ecosystem?

Could they move and affect other areas?

The answer to these questions enables the risk associated with the substances present in the subsoil and their acceptability to be determined by taking into account factors such as the characteristics of the source of contamination, the means of dispersion (soil, air, groundwater or surface water), soil uses, human activity in the area and the environmental sensitivity thereof. From there, the technical team interprets these results to establish target levels of remediation and to propose the most appropriate corrective actions. 

LITOCLEAN pioneered the use of simulations for the calculation of risk associated with a contamination and cooperates closely with their creators. It has no ties to a single software, but rather usually uses the most renowned (RISC, RBCA TOOL KIT and ARRISKUGEST) to select the one that best reflects the reality of each site. It is absolutely essential to guarantee the rigour and reliability of the QRA, which is why LITOCLEAN is always at the forefront of technical knowledge and in constant contact with the sources of the respective software.

A rigorous QRA is the key to effective remediation; an action that solves the problem by optimising the application of required resources.